Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims In The UK

By Mary Nora. Last Updated 6th December 2022. Hip injuries can be common in road accidents or falls, but some types of fractures are rarer. In this article, we will look at injuries to the socket part of the hip. The article will discuss what you could do if you were the victim of an acetabulum fracture caused through the negligent actions of a third party who should have been looking after your safety. Acetabulum fracture compensation claims are possible with the right guidance and advice.

Acetabulum fracture compensation claims

Acetabulum fracture compensation claims

You can start your claim right now if you feel you already have the evidence needed. Can you demonstrate how the actions of a third party breached a duty of care owed to you that directly resulted in causing your acetabulum fracture? If so, our friendly team are available to discuss eligibility. If they can see you have a good reason to make a personal injury claim they can connect you to a personal injury solicitor. You can start by:

Services And Information

  1. Everything You Need To Know About Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims
  2. What Is An Acetabulum Fracture?
  3. Anatomy – What Is The Acetabulum?
  4. Symptoms Of A Fractured Bone
  5. What Causes Acetabulum Fractures?
  6. Hip Injury – How Is Compensation Calculated?
  7. Diagnosis Of An Acetabulum Fracture
  8. Misdiagnosis Of Acetabulum Bone Fractures
  9. How Is An Acetabulum Fracture Misdiagnosed?
  10. Could You Make Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims After Three Years?
  11. I Had An Acetabulum Fracture, What Should I Do?
  12. Can You Make An Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?
  13. Related Claims Guides
  14. FAQs About Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims

Everything You Need To Know About Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims

The focus of this article is acetabulum fracture compensation claims and we look at how you could set about starting a successful case like this. Firstly, we examine the anatomy and function of this joint and how it can suffer a fracture. Next, we move on to the types of evidence needed to prove how the injuries have negatively affected your health and finances.

We explain how a personal injury lawyer can help you at this point to build a comprehensive argument on your behalf for damages from the liable party. You may be aware that there are legal requirements in most everyday areas of life to protect and safeguard your safety. Very briefly,

Acetabulum fracture compensation claims. These laws are:

  • In the workplace – The Health and Safety At Work etc Act 1974 requires all employers to protect staff safety. If hazards go undetected or unresolved and it results in you being injured, your employer can be liable for paying the employee compensation.
  • In public – The Occupiers Liability Act 1957 requires anyone in control of a publicly accessible place to ensure that users are notified and protected from risks to their health and safety. Again, if the occupier is found to be in breach of the required compliances, they could also have a personal injury claim made against them. There are reasonable limits to these expectations.
  • On the roads – The Highway Code requires all road users to demonstrate a duty of care to other road users. Reckless driving that results in injury means that an individual could be liable for all your costs associated with personal injury.
  • Any medical negligence claims would hinge on your ability to prove that you received substandard healthcare that resulted in making you ill.

What Is An Acetabulum Fracture?

Acetabulum fracture classification can be complex. The acetabulum is the socket area of the ball and socket bone arrangement in the hip. Fractures here are usually the result of high impact collision and as such, can form part of multiple injuries. Like any bone, the right amount of force can cause hairline, displaced and non-displaced fractures and we look at definitions of these further in the article. Acetabulum fracture complications are also something we touch upon.

An acetabulum fracture can also be the result of impaired bone density and underlying health conditions. The elderly can suffer a reduced strength in their bones and this makes them prone to fractures. Stairs and getting in and out of the bath can present perilous risks to the elderly and acetabulum fractures can be the result of the simplest slip or trip.

Anatomy – What Is The Acetabulum?

Essentially the acetabulum is the socket for the head of femur, together they make the hip joint which serves as a meeting point for major arteries. Although thick and resilient, it is susceptible to fracture under the right circumstances just like any other bone in the human body.

Symptoms Of A Fractured Bone

As is the case with all fractures, there are certain symptoms that will present themselves immediately after the accident and as you recover:

  • A cracking or crunching noise and sensation
  • An acute localised pain in that area and referred pain in other parts of the body
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Bleeding if the bone protrudes from the skin (compound fracture)
  • Nausea and faintness
  • Inability to move
  • Deformed or awkward positioning of the legs
  • Inability to bear any weight on that leg or even stand up

As the victim of an accident that cracks or fractures your pelvis or hip, you should always seek medical attention. This type of injury is classed as a medical emergency as when the hip joint or pelvis is fractured it can cut off blood supply to the legs and other various bones. When blood supply is limited it can cause the bone to die off.

What Causes Acetabulum Fractures?

The most common causes of an acetabulum fracture are as follows:

  • High impact collision – when you meet with a powerful force to the side of your leg it can fracture the hip socket. This might be during a road traffic accident or a fall.
  • Sporting injuries – again, a high impact force at the right speed and angle can snap a section of the pelvis that includes the acetabulum socket, rendering proper rotation of the femur (thighbone) impossible or very difficult.
  • Compromised bone density – elderly and unwell people who have less strength in the bone structure as a healthy or younger individual may not be able to withstand a lower grade impact.
  • Stress – repeated use or wearing down of that area can create stress fractures. People who walk or run a lot risk inflicting undue stress on this joint that might result in injury. Osteoporosis and arthritis issues may require a different approach to treatment.

Hip Injury – How Is Compensation Calculated?

You might be wondering how compensation is calculated if you are able to make a successful claim for a hip injury. Your compensation will be dependent on various factors. For example, if you needed a hip replacement, your compensation could take this into account.

Your compensation could include both general damages and special damages. Your pain and suffering due to your hip injury are compensated for by general damages, while special damages cover any financial loss.

Solicitors use the amounts from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to assist them in calculating the value of a claim. The figures in the table below are from the recent update of the JCG. These amounts may not match the compensation you would receive in a successful claim as they are only a guide.

Pelvic area Notes Potential award
Severe (i) Extensive fractures with injury to internal organs such as the bladder. £78,400 to £130,930
Severe (ii) Ischial and pubic rami fracture dislocation £61,910 to £78,400

Severe (iii) Fracture of the acetabulum leading to degenerative changes £39,170 to £52,500

Moderate (i) Significant injury with no major permanent damage. £26,590 to £39,170
Lesser injuries Significant injury no residual disability £3,950 to £12,590
Mild Soft tissue injury with complete recovery expected Up to £3,950

Special damages addresses any financial losses you have suffered as a result of your injury. This could include:

  • A shortfall in income through being unable to work
  • Travel expenses to work or hospital
  • Physiotherapy or other procedures
  • Emergency childcare needs
  • Missed planned events or lost deposits from events you could not attend
  • Pet care and gardening costs
  • Impact on pension schemes or staff attendance bonuses
  • Medical adaptations to your home
  • Scar treatments
  • Long term costs like bank charges

Special damages aim to give you the chance to have them awarded back. Speak with our team if you have costs associated with your no-fault injury and you’re unsure if they qualify.

Diagnosis Of An Acetabulum Fracture

In order to diagnose an acetabulum fracture, your doctor will ask about your symptoms. They will examine you for signs of a fracture and note any swelling, tenderness or misshapen limb issues. They will refer to your medical history and enquire as to how you became injured.

It may be necessary for you to have an x-ray in order to confirm the exact nature and type of fracture. CT and MRI are other forms of scanning that can also reveal details of the injuries more clearly.

Once you have received your diagnosis, you can request a copy of your notes and use them as the basis for acetabulum fracture compensation claims.

Misdiagnosis Of Acetabulum Bone Fractures

In some cases, a missed or misdiagnosis can occur. Hospital staff or your GP may fail to spot your hip injury. Especially if it is presented as part of multiple problems. Doctors and nurses owe any patient they treat a duty of care. They must not cause avoidable harm to any patient. Some medical treatments can create side effects and not everyone responds as well as hoped for. This might be unavoidable.

However, if you feel that you received substandard treatment that directly caused your injury to worsen, speak to us. The long-term implications of a missed or misdiagnosis can be an increased risk of infection and arthritis. To say nothing of the pain and inconvenience. You have a right to complain if you think that care was missing.

How Is An Acetabulum Fracture Misdiagnosed?

Acetabulum fractures happen quite deep inside the leg. Unless the x-ray is properly looked at, fractures can be missed. Undetected problems like this can cause much suffering to the patient in the future. Problems in diagnosis can be the result of:

  • Tired, distracted or inexperienced staff
  • Your notes becoming mixed up or lost/deleted
  • Language problems between staff and patients
  • Failure to properly report injuries clearly to the doctor
  • X-ray or scanning equipment not used properly or read correctly
  • Lack of experienced staff or specialists in that field

Any of these scenarios could lead to your hip fracture going undetected or being noted as something else. Speak with our team now if this happened to you. It may be that your missed fracture went on to cause you much unnecessary harm.

Could You Make Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims After Three Years?

The personal injury claims time limits are currently:

  • Three years for cases of injury in the workplace, public spaces and roads
  • Three years for cases of medical negligence
  • Under exceptional circumstances (i.e. if you were in a coma or otherwise unable to initiate proceedings personally) these time frames can be over-ridden. The courts would need to decide this on a case by case basis.
  • The time limit can also begin from the date of knowledge
  • There are exceptions for children and those who suffer mental incapacities.

I Had An Acetabulum Fracture, What Should I Do?

If your claim is against the NHS or a health provider, start by complaining directly to the NHS.

For a serious accident in the workplace, your injury may need to be reported to RIDDOR. In addition, you can gather witness details for a solicitor to obtain statements or request CCTV footage to prove what happened that day.

As a road traffic accident victim, the police reports and the emergency services can provide the basis for a claim against another driver. If they were uninsured, the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) can assist with claims against drivers like this. Speak to our team for guidance here.

Lastly, if your accident occurred in a public place, re-visit that area and collect as much evidence as you can to uphold your claim. Don’t worry if you cannot do this. The evidence of a medical assessment can prove you suffered an injury. Your receipts, bills and bank statements will demonstrate the money you suddenly needed to find in order to cope with them.

Finally, whilst you are perfectly free to launch a personal injury claim independently, they can be very complex. Heavy with legal jargon and time-consuming, it might be more appropriate to use the services of a solicitor.

Can You Make An Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims On A No Win No Fee Basis?

When looking at legal representation for your acetabulum fracture compensation claims, it’s worth considering using a lawyer in a No Win No Fee capacity. There are numerous advantages to this:

  • The lawyers only take a fee from cases that win
  • If your case fails, there’s nothing to pay them at all
  • The amount they can deduct is limited
  • It’s taken at the end of the case after you receive the final settlement
  • There are no costs to hire the lawyers in the first instance

As well as that, No Win No Fee lawyers also have a ‘built-in’ interest in doing the best job possible on your behalf. All you have to do is provide as much detailed information as you can to support the claim and await the result.

Related Claims Guides

In conclusion, thank you for reading this guide. We hope it has helped inform you about the best way to approach acetabulum fracture compensation claims. We are available to take your call about any of the points raised. Simply:

As well as this, the following links offer more advice about personal injury claims in a whole array of different scenarios:

FAQs About Acetabulum Fracture Compensation Claims

How long does it take for a broken acetabulum bone to heal?

This ink from the NHS offers more detailed advice.

How much is a broken bone worth in a lawsuit?

Each case will vary on the individual circumstances and the extent of the injuries. The only way to evaluate a claim properly is to use evidence from a medical assessment.

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