Cuboid Fracture Compensation Claims In The UK

By Danielle Fletcher. Last Updated 30th June 2023. Have you sustained a cuboid fracture that wasn’t your fault? If it happened due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to claim cuboid fracture compensation.

cuboid fracture compensation

How to claim cuboid fracture compensation

Foot injuries can be painful and debilitating, as we use our feet every day to walk. Without our feet, it can be difficult to get to work or go out to social events, so we may need something to help aid us (such as a crutch).

There’s no need to simply accept what happened and endure the pain and suffering. Instead, you can take action to try to get back to the position you were in before the accident, as well as being compensated for the inconvenience and long-term impacts the injuries may have caused.

That’s what this guide is about—to show you your legal rights and to help you take steps to recover compensation.

You may have some questions such as:

  • What is the nondisplaced cuboid fracture recovery time?
  • What are cuboid fracture symptoms?
  • Is a cuboid ankle fracture painful?

This guide will answer these questions and more to give you as much information as possible about cuboid fracture compensation claims.

Get In Touch With Our Team

Our friendly team of advisers are available 24/7 to give you free legal advice. They can assess how much compensation you may be able to receive when they discuss your situation.

If you have a valid claim, they can connect you with our panel of personal injury lawyers to discuss helping you get compensation.

To get in touch with our expert team of advisers, you can:

  • Call them on 020 3870 4868. They can chat with you about your situation and offer free legal advice.
  • Chat with an adviser through our instant chat pop-up box for an immediate response.
  • Fill in our online claims form for a reply at your earliest convenience.

Services And Information

  1. What Is A Cuboid Fracture?
  2. Anatomy And Function Of The Cuboid Bone
  3. How Do You Know If You Have Broken Your Cuboid Bone?
  4. Can You Fracture The Cuboid And How Do Fractures Happen?
  5. Injury Compensation – Broken Bone Claims
  6. How Are Foot Fractures Diagnosed?
  7. What Is A Misdiagnosed Fracture Of The Cuboid Bone?
  8. What Could A Fracture Be Mistaken For?
  9. How Long After A Cuboid Fracture Could You Claim?
  10. Evidence To Support A Broken Cuboid Claim
  11. Can You Make A Cuboid Fracture Compensation Claims On A No Win No Fee Basis?
  12. Related Information
  13. Cuboid Fracture Injury FAQs      

What Is A Cuboid Fracture?

The cuboid is a small bone in between the heel and toes. If it’s broken, it may be painful to walk or move the foot. If you think you’ve experienced a cuboid bone fracture, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, cuboid fracture UK statistics aren’t readily available to the public, but we can look at workplace injuries reported under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR). This can give us an example of how common foot injuries are when someone suffers an accident at work.

The table below portrays the number of reported non-fatal injuries to employees in Great Britain by the site of injury between 2014/15-2019/20. As you can see, the most reported injuries were in the rest of the lower limb.

Cuboid fracture compensation graph

On the other hand, one or more toes had the least number of reported workplace injuries. The foot had 3,630 reported injuries. Although this isn’t the highest out of the 4, there are still thousands.

Anatomy And Function Of The Cuboid Bone

There are 26 bones and 33 joints in the foot. The cuboid is one of 5 joints within the middle of the foot. It sits on the outer portion of the foot and is connected to 5 different bones in the foot.

The side of the cuboid that’s closest to the heel is connected to the calcaneus joint. The cuboid side closest to the toes is connected to the 4th and 5th metatarsals. The inner part of the cuboid joins with the lateral and navicular cuneiform.

The cuboid bone supports the foot’s stability and function. The tibialis posterior muscle, which is attached to the cuboid bone, aids in pointing the foot downwards. This helps your foot to move forward when walking, as well as helping the foot move inwards and supporting the arch.

Moreover, passing through the cuboid is the peroneus longus. This helps the foot move outwards and supports the foot pointing downwards. Therefore, this bone is a huge factor in supporting the balance of the foot.

The most important function of the cuboid bone is stabilising and supporting the lateral column of the feet. This bone doesn’t actively bear weight, but it helps to lessen the pressure and force put on the cuboid when standing or walking.

How Do You Know If You Have Broken Your Cuboid Bone?

Most fractures have similar signs and symptoms. The most common symptoms of a cuboid fracture are:

  • Tenderness and swelling – If you’ve fractured your cuboid bones, you may experience some swelling and tenderness of the injured area. You will usually be able to tell if you have these symptoms simply by looking at your foot, as it may look bigger or puffier than usual.
  • Bruising – Bruising is a common symptom of a cuboid fracture. You may notice blue and purple bruising of your foot if you injure it. If you have fractured your cuboid bone, the bruising will be centred more in the middle of the foot.
  • Deformity – In some cases, the foot may look deformed or ‘out of place’. This happens when the broken bone moves out of place. Sometimes, the bone may puncture through the skin. This is called an open fracture and can be dangerous, so you must seek medical attention immediately if you have this symptom.

If you experience any of these cuboid fracture symptoms, we recommend you seek medical attention as soon as possible. A doctor can then physically examine your foot to check if you have a symptom. They can then begin your treatment and get you on the road to recovery.

Can You Fracture The Cuboid And How Do Fractures Happen?

There are multiple accidents that can cause a cuboid fracture. Some common causes are:

  • Road traffic accident – A cuboid fracture could occur from a road traffic accident, especially if the car accident occurs with significant force. The foot could become crushed and broken in the accident, especially if the leg or foot becomes trapped.
  • Public place accident – Cuboid fractures can be common in public place accidents. For example, falling down a manhole or tripping over a broken pavement can cause the foot to bend in an unnatural way and break in the middle. The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that the party in control of a public place has a duty of care to protect and safeguard anyone who has access to their land, whether invited or not. You can report a problem with pavements online.
  • Slip, trip, and fall – This could occur during an accident at work, for example, if there’s a loose wire on the floor or no wet floor sign near a spillage. This can cause the foot to bend awkwardly as you fall or land heavily, crushing the cuboid bone.
  • Falls from a height – This could also occur from an accident at work. For example, a ladder could be faulty and cause you to fall from high up. This is dangerous as it could result in you landing on your foot and breaking the cuboid bone. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 states that employers have a duty of care to protect and safeguard their employees as much as reasonably possible. They can do this by completing regular safety checks, for example, ensuring equipment isn’t faulty.

Injury Compensation – Broken Bone Claims

When legal professionals work out personal injury compensation in broken bone claims, they often use medical evidence alongside the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). However, the JCG can only be used to value compensation amounts relating to general damages, which account for the pain and suffering caused by your broken cuboid bone injury.

We have taken compensation amounts from the 16th edition of the JCG to give you an idea of what general damages you might expect to receive in your award settlement.

Injury: Severity: Notes: Compensation:
Foot Injuries Severe Both feet are fractured and cause severe pain. This bracket also adheres to severe injuries to one foot. £41,970 to £70,030
Foot Injuries Moderate Metatarsal fractures which are displaced and result in permanent deformity. Surgery and osteoarthritis may occur as a result. £13,740 to £24,990
Ankle Injuries Very Severe Transmalleolar ankle fractures with significant soft-tissue damage causing deformity. £50,060 to £69,700
Ankle Injuries Moderate Fractures which result in difficulty walking on uneven ground, walking or standing for a long amount of time. £13,740 to £26,590
Toe Injuries Severe Severe crush injuries resulting in one or two toes (apart from the great toe) being amputated. £13,740 to £21,070
Toe Injuries Moderate Straightforward fractures or the worsening of pre-existing conditions. Up to £9,600
Mental Anguish Severe The person is fearful of impending death. £4,670

Please note that the figures above are only intended to be used as guidelines. Your final award settlement will also take into account any special damages, which relate to the financial harm or loss that may be inflicted by your accident or injuries.

For example:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical expenses
  • Travel costs
  • Care costs

Get in touch, and our advisors could give you a more accurate estimate of your personal injury claim value.

Are Foot Fractures Diagnosed?

There are multiple different ways that a foot fracture can be diagnosed, such as:

  • X-Rays – This is usually the most common way that a foot fracture is diagnosed, as an X-Ray produces images of any breaks in the bones. However, sometimes an X-Ray will not be required as a physical examination can portray whether you have a fracture and what treatment you may need.
  • Physical examination – This is where the medical practitioner asks questions about your symptoms, such as your pain levels, how the accident happened, and whether your foot is swollen and/or bruised. They may also lightly touch and press down on your foot to see how it feels and how much pain you’re experiencing.
  • CT or MRI scan: If the doctor conducts an X-Ray that is unsuccessful as it’s unclear, they may carry out a more precise scan (such as a CT or MRI scan). These are clearer scans that show the bones in more detail, making it easier to see whether there is a foot fracture.

What Is A Misdiagnosed Fracture Of The Cuboid Bone?

Sometimes, a cuboid bone fracture can be misdiagnosed due to clinical negligence. This can happen due to:

  • X-Ray mistakes – If an X-Ray is taken at the wrong angle, it may fail to show the part of the bone which is broken. If a doctor doesn’t notice this and misdiagnoses your cuboid bone break, you may be able to make a cuboid fracture compensation claim. Furthermore, the X-Ray could produce an unclear image. If this happens, the doctor should conduct a clearer scan, such as a CT or MRI scan. If they don’t do this and subsequently misdiagnose your injury, you may be able to make a medical negligence claim if you go on to suffer more harm.
  • Not acknowledging the injury as a fracture – Some doctors won’t recognise that the symptoms you’re experiencing are due to a broken bone. If this happens and you’re misdiagnosed, you could claim cuboid fracture compensation if your injury worsens due to this.

If you experience a cuboid fracture misdiagnosis, you can contact our team of advisers today to receive free legal advice about filing a clinical negligence claim.

What Could A Fracture Be Mistaken For?

With the foot having 26 bones, over 100 muscles, and 30 joints, there are multiple injuries that a cuboid fracture could be mistaken for. This includes:

  • Sprain or strain – Broken bone injuries have similar symptoms to a sprain or strain. A physical examination alone could lead a doctor to mistakenly believe your foot has a sprain rather than a break. That’s why it’s important for an X-Ray to be carried out if there are signs of a break.
  • A different type of foot injury – A cuboid injury may result in other areas of your foot becoming strained or painful as you place more weight on those areas to avoid the cuboid pain. This could lead to a different type of foot injury being diagnosed, such as the tibia or fibula.

You shouldn’t suffer in silence due to a missed diagnosis. Our team of advisers are always available to discuss your situation with you and offer the appropriate help.

How Long After A Cuboid Fracture Could You Claim?

The general personal injury claims time limit is three years. That equates to three years from the exact date you suffered the injury or three years from when you realised the injury was due to someone else’s negligence. However, this time limit can differ depending on:

  • The age of the claimant – If you’re under 18, child accident claims time limits only begin from your 18th birthday. On the other hand, someone you’re close to could become a litigation friend to sue on your behalf before you turn 18 if you’d prefer.
  • The mental capacity of the claimant – If you lack the mental capacity to make a claim, the three-year time limit will start when your recovery begins. Alternatively, someone you trust can act as a litigation friend to pursue the claim for you.

If you’d like more advice about the personal injury claims time limits, our friendly team of advisers would be happy to discuss this in more depth. They can help assess how much time you may have left to make a cuboid fracture compensation claim.

Evidence To Support A Broken Cuboid Claim

When making a personal injury claim for a broken cuboid, you will need to collect evidence. Evidence could help show who was liable for your accident and the injuries you suffered.

Some examples of the evidence that could be useful in a personal injury claim include:

  • Videos of the accident, such as CCTV footage.
  • A copy of your medical records that state the nature of your injury and the treatment you needed.
  •  Photographs of the accident scene or visible symptoms of your injury, such as swelling and bruising.
  • The contact details of anyone who witnessed the accident so they can provide a statement later in the personal injury claiming process.

Please get in touch with our advisors for more information on the evidence you could collect to support your personal injury claim for a fracture of your cuboid bone.

Can You Make A Cuboid Fracture Compensation Claims On A No Win No Fee Basis?

If you have a valid claim, our panel of personal injury solicitors would be willing to discuss working with you on a No Win No Fee basis. A No Win No Fee agreement is a contract you and your lawyer sign stating that you don’t have to pay any of your solicitors fees if your case loses.

If your claim fails, you aren’t obligated to pay any of the fees your solicitor has accrued whilst working on your case. If your claim succeeds, your lawyer will deduct a small, legally capped percentage of your compensation to pay for their hard work. This will be discussed with you beforehand.

There’s little to lose, so why wait? You can chat with our expert team of advisers today by:

  • Calling them on 020 3870 4868. One of our advisers will be happy to discuss your situation with you.
  • Filling out our online personal injury claims form for a response at your earliest convenience.
  • Chatting with an adviser via our live chat pop-up box for an instant reply.

Related Information

In this section of our guide, we’ve included some more information on broken bones and fractures.

How Do I Know If I’ve Broken A Bone? – If you suspect you may have a broken bone injury, this NHS guide outlines the signs, treatment, and recovery process.

Broken Leg – If you’ve suffered a broken leg injury, this NHS article includes the symptoms, treatment, and recovery times.

Advice After A Foot Fracture – Do you need more information about a broken foot injury? This NHS guide explains what you need to know about this type of fracture.

How To Make Food Allergy Claims – Find out How To Claim Compensation For A Food Allergic Reaction? – Have you suffered an allergic reaction due to someone else’s negligence? Our article explores how you can make a personal injury claim.

Agency Worker Injury Claims Guide For Compensation – If you’re an agency worker and have suffered an accident at work that wasn’t your fault, our guide discusses how you can receive compensation for your injuries.

A Guide To Holiday Accident Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – How To Claim? – Our article outlines how you can make a personal injury claim for an accident you suffered on holiday due to someone else’s negligence.

Cuboid Fracture Injury FAQs 

In our final section, we’ve included the answers to some questions we often get asked.

Is a cuboid fracture serious?

A cuboid injury can make everyday tasks, such as walking, difficult and painful. This can significantly impact your life and leave you with pain and suffering. A cuboid fracture can be serious if misdiagnosed or left without treatment for a long period of time.

Can you walk on a fractured cuboid?

Your doctor will tell you whether you can lightly walk and put pressure on your foot or not. This will differ depending on the injury severity, and you may be offered a cast or a crutch to help you walk.

What does a cuboid fracture feel like?

A cuboid fracture is likely to feel sensitive, painful, and tender.

How do you relieve pain from a cuboid?

You can use an ice pack on the injured area to help reduce any bruising or swelling. Furthermore, you can take painkillers to help relieve the pain.

Thank you for reading our guide to claiming cuboid fracture compensation.


Guide by NS

Edited by BER