How Do You Claim For A Broken Leg At Work?

You might be eligible to make a broken leg at work claim if you can prove that the accident which caused the injury was due to negligence. Breaking a leg can be incredibly painful. And what’s more, a broken leg injury can hurt your overall quality of life. So, if your injury was caused by your employer or another employee breaching the duty of care owed to you, you could potentially be eligible to make a personal injury claim.

Broken leg at work claim

Broken leg at work claim

This guide will look at the causes of broken leg injuries at work. Moreover, we will explain how to claim for a work injury. And we have included an accident at work claim calculator to help you estimate how much you can claim for a broken leg at work.

To begin your No Win No Fee claim, please contact UK Law today. Call us on 020 3870 4868, or claim online. Our panel of solicitors have solid experience handling workplace injury claims. And they will value your claim accurately to make sure you receive the correct compensation.

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What Is The Workplace Injury Claims Process?

You could make a broken leg at work claim if an accident at work causes your injuries. And the accident was caused by negligence. Your employer owes you a duty of care in the UK, which means that the employer is responsible for your health and safety at work as much as can be reasonably expected. The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 codifies these principles into law.

You may be wondering, “Can I claim for a broken leg?” If your employer breaches their duty of care and this leads to a workplace accident, your employer may be responsible for your injuries. Consequently, you could be entitled to claim compensation for a broken knee or broken leg at work. Our panel of personal injury solicitors can handle your claim and ensure you receive the compensation payout you deserve.

Symptoms Of A Broken Leg

If your leg is broken or fractured, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Your leg is severely bruised and swollen
  • You cannot bear weight on your leg
  • Extreme pain
  • The leg looks deformed
  • The bone is sticking out of the skin

Please go to your nearest hospital A&E department immediately if you have broken your leg.

What Evidence Will I Need To Make A Claim?

To make a broken leg at work claim, you will need to supply evidence that shows why you consider your employer to be liable for your injuries. Your case has to meet the criteria below.

  • Firstly, did your employer owe you a duty of care at the time of the incident?
  • Secondly, did your employer act negligently, which led to a workplace accident?
  • And finally, did the accident cause your broken leg, knee, or broken toe injury?

Your legal team, if you have decided to use legal representation, will need to provide evidence to support your claim. The following evidence could be used in support of your case:

  • A report of your accident at work, in the company’s accident report book
  • Photographs of the hazard that caused your accident
  • Photographs of your broken leg at work injuries
  • Medical records and the report from your medical assessment

Causes Of A Broken Leg At Work

Employers are responsible for ensuring that their premises are safe and hygienic. If an employer neglects their duty of care, an accident could possibly take place, which may cause a broken leg at work. The following accidents are all potential causes of broken leg injuries.

  • Slippery floors can cause slips and fall accidents. For example, an oil spill on the floor of a professional kitchen can cause slipping accidents.
  • Falling or tripping over accidents can happen if debris is on the floor. Or an employee can trip on broken flooring or a nail sticking out of a floorboard.
  • Broken safety equipment can cause falls from a height. For example, a worker can fall down the stairs if a handrail is broken and comes away under their weight.
  • If a moving or falling object strikes workers, they may suffer from foot or leg injuries.
  • Likewise, workers can suffer a broken leg injury if a workplace vehicle hits a worker, such as a forklift truck or a tractor.

How Many Work Injuries Happen Annually?

Findings from the Labour Force Survey explains that 441,000 injuries at work occurred in 2020/21. Sadly, there were 142 fatal accidents at work during the same period.

Steps To Making A Broken Leg Claim At Work

Now let’s explain how to claim for a work injury. UK Law can help you with a broken leg at work claim for compensation by assessing all of your evidence. If you experience a broken leg at work and are eligible to make a claim please take the following steps.

  • Seek medical attention for your broken leg. If a doctor does not treat your broken leg, you will experience severe complications and possible permanent disabilities. Moreover, you will need your medical records to support your claim.
  • Report your accident to the management at your workplace. Ensure a manager logs your accident in your employer’s accident log book.
  • Gather supporting evidence for your claim. Your evidence can include receipts, CCTV footage, eyewitness contact details so a statement can be taken by a legal professional and photographs.
  • Get free legal advice from UK Law. Call our helpline to speak to an advisor about making a workplace injury claim. We can also appoint our panel of solicitors to work on your claim.

How Much Could Your Broken Leg At Work Claim Be Worth?

Are you wondering how much compensation you could get for a leg injury in the UK? This table includes general damages compensation amounts, but we have not included special damages.

We have used the compensation guidelines from the Judicial College to create this table. The Judicial College applies to claims for England and Wales. Solicitors use the Judicial College guidelines to help them value compensation claims. However, your final settlement may be different, depending on many factors.

Type Of Leg Injury Damages Comments
Severe leg injuries (i) £90,320 to £127,530 A serious injury which is short of amputation. It could include a fracture which has not united and where extensive bone grafts have been carried out.
Severe leg injuries (ii) £51,460 to £85,600 Leg injuries which could cause permanent issues and which may cause the need for a mobility aid. There may have been multiple fractures that took years to recover from.
Severe leg injuries (iii) £36,790 to £51,460 A serious compound or comminuted fracture.
Moderate leg injuries £26,050 to £36,790 Multiple or complicated fractures or a severe crush injury. Generally, only one leg has been affected.
Less serious leg injury (i) £16,860 to £26,050 Fractures from which the person made a reasonable recovery and where the person has had an implant or where they have been left with a limp or gait.
Less serious leg injury (ii) £8,550 to £13,210 A fracture of the femur bone which has not damaged the articular surface.
Less serious leg injury (iii) Up to £11,110 A simple fibula or tibia fracture or similar levels of soft tissue injury.
Severe knee injury (ii) £48,920 to £65,440 A fracture of the leg which extends into the knee joint. This may permanently limit movement in the knee.
Moderate ankle injury (c) £12,900 to £24,950 An ankle fracture which could lead to a less serious disability. There could also be a risk of further complications developing.
Modest ankle injury Up to £12,900 An undisplaced ankle fracture.

If your broken leg at work compensation claim is successful, you will receive general damages compensation for the harm you endured. Moreover, you may be entitled to claim special damages that will repay you for the costs associated with your injuries. Such as medical costs and reimbursement for loss of earnings.

Talk To Us About Your Broken Leg At Work Claim

UK Law can help advise on your broken leg at work claim. If our advisors can see that your case has solid grounds our panel of solicitors may offer to handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis.

No Win No Fee solicitors won’t charge you an upfront fee, instead, you will sign a Conditional Fee Agreement and will only pay a success fee if you win your claim. Moreover, they will only provide a No Win No Fee service, if there is adequate evidence to support your case.

To claim compensation for a broken leg at work, please get in touch with us today:

  • Please fill out our online claims form to begin your claim online.
  • Use our Live Support widget to webchat with an advisor now.
  • Or call our helpline on 020 3870 4868.

Related Fractured And Broken Bone Claims Resources

These online resources may be helpful if you wish to claim compensation for a broken bone.

Can You Make A New Employee Injury Claim?

How To Claim For An Injury Caused By No Safety Shoes At Work

Do You Have To Be An Employee To Claim For A Workplace Injury?

An NHS guide to knowing if you have broken a bone

How to care for your plaster cast – an NHS guide

Information about preventing slips and trips at work, from HSE

We are grateful that you took the time to read our guide on making a broken leg at work claim.